Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sneaky Bastard

Here is a great example of the techno scene coming to the US of A

there was this artist called basshunter

he was badass cause he made techno songs about fuckin video games and all that good ol nerdy shit.

so he techno seen loved this guy but then he came over to the US

and ruined his songs

well not rlly but he reused the same beats and thats not very cool.

thats his OG Boten Anna song.

i song about a robot that cleans up clans and spammers on MMO's

then when he came over here

So here the full proof trick to switch your songs from country to country without anyone knowing.

step 1. use same beat
step 2. change lyrics to the known language
steo 3. add hot chicks


a whole different song.

so far no one rlly noticed so yeah..

Basshunter you are one sneaky bastard.

- Because i can

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