Tuesday, February 26, 2008

today was just odd for me

I'm always listening to music but today i didnt have my mp3 player cause i forgot to charge it.
so i think my mind had to compensate for lack of music. so i just started remembering all these songs lyric by lyric thousands and thousands of songs and i could stop when i got home i grabbed my guitar and i just had to get all of them out or else dayum.....

i havn't heard thing song in a long while and im pretty sure only really hardcore music peeps would know it. and anyone from this generation wouldnt have even heard it. so yeah. i like it some people dont but FUCK YOU!

for someone reason a bunch of cake songs popped into my head. thats pretty god damn random but still...i love this band and the fact they have a trumpet player rules. this is a good cover.

another cake song.
called frank sinatra damn good song.

yesterday tundae was singing this song and i decided to make it the song of the day today. (for info on song of the day i think i did a couple posts on it)
so yeah thats that. this song is trippy.

so then i had all these B-52 songs stuck in my head so yeah.
everyones favorite.

lookin for that love.

I've always been a fan REM and its been a long time since ive heard this song and i rememberd how awesome this song was.
im not sure who teh girl in teh video is but yeah.
its an amazing song
and ive loved it for a long long time.

i saw this done in sesame street and i tripped out.
BEst morning ive ever had.
xcept for that one time when joy came over to wake me up.
that was cool too.

props for tundae for the pic with his new cam

that pic freaks me out though.

Monday, February 25, 2008

i always loved this song

maybe ill sing it to someone one day.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

my two cents

Robert Downey Jr. was never one of my favorite actors but he has made some good movies.

and for this even though i find it lame that he is iron man I rlly cant see anyone else who can play tony stark. we needed a drunk guy anyway so who better than robert.

so yeah i have some good expectations of this movie. from the trailer it seemse like they are kinda stickin to teh comics roughly. i like how they made the prototype looks its intense. SO yeah im waiting for this movie to come out.

this caught my attention also.

low budgets are sometimes good.

this one just looks really funny. a nice try though. a very nice try.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

is it wierd?

that i love this song??

i mean this song is pretty fuckin amazing.

come on!

recap on shit that happend

so yeah how do?

thursday was not only valentines day but also the day of the Winds concert at my school.
the start of that day was lazy like always i was incredibly tired didnt feel like walking and like always i was the first one at school. LAME!!!

anywhos yeah they day was eh nothing special started out with jazz band few solos few laugh moments nothing special. i forgot wat the song of the day was i wanted it to be something metal but apperntly i already used master of puppets once and i couldnt think of anything else that wouldnt annoy me at teh moment.

wind symp was chill
englsih we were watchin super bad and yeah frnd of mine gave me some fun dip.

6th involved lots of meditaion.

the day was going pretty lame
went to in n out
ate a lot
ppl did ketchup shots ussuall stuff.

the concert went well we actually had a decent audience.
so we played and we were walking out and i was just thinking finally i can get teh hell out of here and just sleep the rest of teh day and probably the greatest thing that could happen to me happend ^_^!

so yeah a frnd of mine showed up and totally made my day it was rlly awesome i showed her around introduced her to some ppl and we watched the wind ensemble.
she took my sweater. uhh yeah
then i got to see her agian friday ^_^!!!!!!
yeah shes probably the only thing that can make me smile especialyl now that i have all these money issues and time issues and it seems like i never have a free moment left.

but she can make me forget about those things

sucks i have bad timing


it rlly sux now that i think about it more
it rlly fuckin sucks!
eh....i was born to fail though. its nothing im not used to.
still sucks when it happen though.

this song got me up this morning i really didnt feel like doing anything then i rememberd this song.

Sunny Hours - Long Beach Dub Allstars

reminds me of shit ive done and why i keep trying in life.

maybe i should keep trying with this thing
i know itll end up bad but for those few moments it works.....

ill be fuckin happy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


so I uh.......
you know the act of sciccors and hair

iono i was bored and i needed a hair cut.

so yeah this is wat i got.

its gonna grow out and look sexy.


Friday, February 8, 2008

regret ^_^

hold me
and bite me

take my wounds with you

throw me and leave me
while i comtemplate your departure

hoping that you'll come back
and maybe you'll come back to me

and so you're leving?
what will you tell me?
you'll say that you dont know wat to say

say goodbye....you won't be around
...AT LEAST be kind enough to tell me that

ill miss you
i wont lie to you

your absence will hurt me...but you'll leave anyway

tie me up...and bite me
take my wounds with you

whisper to me and bark at me
scream until i cant hear no more

just watch how i stay here waiting for you to go

.....hoping that you'll come back
and maybe you'll come back to me.

theres no more regret now.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

just another day

today was just another day

Ozomatli - Can't stop
song of the day.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

song of the day

I started this like....i dont probably last year or something i think, but i would walk into jazz band with a new song everyday. they are never repeated and are always different artist and different genres of music. they ussaully reflect the way im feeling that day or just teh first song that comes into my head.

sometimes i ask for other people advice but thats only happen a couple times.

today it was:

Hurricane - Bob Dylan

its a very interesting song. it tells the story of this one guy (to quote enrique) yeah.

i can't remember why i picked it. it think it was mainly because i just felt like a needed a long song and this came to my head first.

im done now.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Presidential fun and randomness!!!

today was actually a pretty good day cause of the fact teh GAINTS WON!!! CHYEAH BOI!!!!!!!

so anywhos i was in history class and we had to some stuff with teh speech that bush gave last week i believe but yeah we had to listen to it all and such and draw in the 14 points of his speech in this pin ball thingy iono its rlly rlly stupid but yeah had to do it.
So me and my frnds needed something to do for and hour or so...so we started drawing on bush.

here is the Emo Bush one of my frnds made. it gave us a good laugh for a few seconds.

my frnd toni made some anime three stooges looking thing. that goat thing thats attached to his tie is actually a lion.

my master piece!! the MR.T bush ohh yeah!!! we laughed pretty hard at this one.

i got bored with news paper so i made him look like a guy from star trek. he is saying i love shatner.

in his speech he said stuff about no cloning or stem cell stuff. so thats teh drawing my frnd made that stood for that. baby juices is a no no.

this rlly tripped me out my frnd cut it out of the news paper awhile back. in japan people are writting entire novels on there cell phones. its fuckin crazy and you know this could only happen in japan.

i was bored yesterday and i had this knife and a map from disneyland.
this is wat came out of that.....

this was teh song of the day today.
if you havnt heard of jefferson airplane..then dayum your missing out. these ppl were fuckin trippy!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


so ive always had a hatred for walmart.

not because they kill small business

not because they dont offer benifits to workers

but because everyone who works there is completly STUPID!!!!

So i got dragged there by my mother and i needed to stretch my legs so i went. walked in and everything was ok for like 2 seconds. so we walk around get some stuff like 9 items in total and i have no idea y we needed a cart for nine items that i couldve fit in my pocket and walked out of teh door with them but w/e.

i saw this camera that always looked interesting to me and i decided to buy it this time around. so im waiting near teh cameras and shit and i notice this GIGANTIC i mean huuuuge line that went all the way to the back of the store so i knew i was gonna have to wait a long time. the stupid part is there was this huge line and only one person workin gthe photo counter i mean WTF!!

after 20 minutes i said FUCK THIS and my mom and dad and me went to go buy our items. there was at least 15 registers open but still the lines were HUUUGE!!!!! so i thought id wait by the cameras while my parents wait to pay. I find one of the other workers and ask him if he can get a camera for me.

so it takes him 20 minutes to show up with the key to get teh camera and then it turns out they didnt have it anymore. so i was kinda ticked off but i didnt care cause it had been a good half hour when i left my parents in teh line so they had to be outside by now. so i go outside and i dont see them i go back inside to teh line where i left them and they were still in teh same place!!!

so yeah wtf!! i grab teh nine items in teh cart *yeah i still dont know why my mom needed the cart* and i make my parents go down stairs to pay lines were a lil shorter.

went to target to see if they had teh camera they did...but they were also out of stock.

not rlly a good day

walmart needs to die.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

random taco times

So i was just sitting down playing Zelda and my friend Alex hits me up on my phone inviting me to get El Gavilan.

Don't know wat that is??? it this badd ass taco place in my hood that i used to be at a lot cause back when i went to shows i used to hang out with all the bands and this would be that place to be after the shows it was rlly cool.

So anyway i bike my way over tehre to hang out with Alex and my frnd Douggie.

i started taking pics like half way through our feasting cause we had way more food to start with.

This is Alex's third wave of food.

I had two tacos and a burrito and some beans thats when i was finishing up.

OH. also a while back i was meeting some frnds over by SANTEE high school, and i passed by this wall with like the coolest tagging ever.

or at least to nerds like me.

its pure genuis!!!!

this is a cover of a song originally done by Sublime and Gwen Staffani back when she was cool and in No doubt. THe cover is done By Long Beach Dub Allstars and for those of you who dont know back when Bradley died The drummer and The bassist of sublime joined this band and they always remember him in some of theo songs they put out. its rlly chill.