Sunday, February 3, 2008


so ive always had a hatred for walmart.

not because they kill small business

not because they dont offer benifits to workers

but because everyone who works there is completly STUPID!!!!

So i got dragged there by my mother and i needed to stretch my legs so i went. walked in and everything was ok for like 2 seconds. so we walk around get some stuff like 9 items in total and i have no idea y we needed a cart for nine items that i couldve fit in my pocket and walked out of teh door with them but w/e.

i saw this camera that always looked interesting to me and i decided to buy it this time around. so im waiting near teh cameras and shit and i notice this GIGANTIC i mean huuuuge line that went all the way to the back of the store so i knew i was gonna have to wait a long time. the stupid part is there was this huge line and only one person workin gthe photo counter i mean WTF!!

after 20 minutes i said FUCK THIS and my mom and dad and me went to go buy our items. there was at least 15 registers open but still the lines were HUUUGE!!!!! so i thought id wait by the cameras while my parents wait to pay. I find one of the other workers and ask him if he can get a camera for me.

so it takes him 20 minutes to show up with the key to get teh camera and then it turns out they didnt have it anymore. so i was kinda ticked off but i didnt care cause it had been a good half hour when i left my parents in teh line so they had to be outside by now. so i go outside and i dont see them i go back inside to teh line where i left them and they were still in teh same place!!!

so yeah wtf!! i grab teh nine items in teh cart *yeah i still dont know why my mom needed the cart* and i make my parents go down stairs to pay lines were a lil shorter.

went to target to see if they had teh camera they did...but they were also out of stock.

not rlly a good day

walmart needs to die.

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